Benefits of Boat Pose: Enhance Strength, Digestion.

Practicing the Boat Pose in the forest

Navasana, or boat pose, strengthens, stabilizes, and balances the abdominal muscles. This seemingly easy pose targets the entire core, including the muscles in the lower back, obliques, and abs, Practicing this pose daily also corrects the posture and eliminates back problems.

However, the benefits of boat pose, extend beyond strengthening your abs. In addition to enhancing digestion, this stance stimulates the thyroid, intestines, and kidneys. Since maintaining balance demands focus and concentration, it can also aid in the relief of tension and anxiety.


How to do Boat Pose

Practicing the Boat Pose in the forest

  1. To begin, sit with legs extended in front of you
  2. Bend your knees, feet on the floor
  3. Inhale, place your hands behind your knees, raise your chest, and contract your back muscles.
  4. Lean back on the backs of your sitting bones and raise your feet to around knee height, spreading your toes.
  5. Arms remain parallel to the ground
  6. Straighten the legs and lengthen the spine.
  7. Hold for 10 deep breaths.
  8. Exhale, bend your knees and relax the pose


Physical Benefits of the Boat Pose

two people pracrtcing yoga outdoor

Here are several ways that this pose can help you become more physically fit:

    Strengthens the core

    The boat pose is designed to strengthen the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, as well as oblique muscles.


    Tones the Abdominal Muscles

    If you’re trying to tone your abs, the boat posture is an absolute must. This posture engages the deep core muscles, assisting in toning and tightening the abdominal region. If you keep practicing, you will achieve a flatter stomach and a defined waistline.


    Enhances Stability and Balance

    This pose activates the muscles of your lower back and core to assist in keeping your balance. This posture can help improve your overall balance, which makes everyday activities easier and reduces the chance of falling.


    Activates Hip Flexors

    You can increase hip flexor mobility and flexibility by practicing the boat position daily. When it comes to exercises like walking, jogging, and cycling, these muscles are essential.


    Engages the Quadriceps and Hamstrings

    Quadricep muscles help to maintain the legs up and extend while you hold the pose. Quadriceps strengthening can enhance total leg strength and knee stability. It also tones and develops the hamstrings.


    Mental Benefits of the Boat Pose

    a women practicing Boat Pose on the beach

    Beyond physical advantages, the boat pose can also provide many psychological benefits. 

      Promotes Focus and Concentration

      Balancing the boat pose requires concentration and focus. When you contract the core and raise the legs, your mind automatically adjusts to maintain balance.


      Reduces Stress and Anxiety

      The boat posture stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which induces relaxation and eases anxiety and tension.


      Enhances confidence

      Holding your boat poses requires balance and tenacity. As you advance in your practice and can hold the pose for extended periods, you will feel more confident. This, in turn, may also positively affect other aspects of your life.


      Promotes Digestion and Stimulates Metabolism 

      metabolism for boat pose

        Boosts the Digestive System:  The boat pose is a great way to stimulate the abdominal organs, which include the stomach and intestines. This improved blood flow, combined with mild compression, improves digestion and eases conditions like constipation and bloating.


        Enhances Metabolic Rate: Boat pose is a great way to increase the body’s metabolic processes by activating multiple muscle groups at the same time. The increase in muscle activity can increase the metabolism and help you burn calories faster and maintain a healthy weight.


        Sustains Thyroid Function: The thyroid gland, which is essential for controlling metabolism, is stimulated by the boat posture. It supports optimum thyroid function, enhances metabolism, and improves energy levels.


        Modifications and Variations of the Boat Pose

        One may adjust the boat pose to meet a variety of body types and fitness levels.

          Half Boat Pose a beautiful women practicing yoga at morning

          In this pose, roll your shoulders and lean back. Bend your knees and slowly lift your fit off the mat. Extend your arms to the side of the body and hold the posture.


          Bent Knee Boat Pose learing yoga at home

          You can practice the boat posture with bent knees to make it more attainable. Maintain your toes on the ground, heels off the ground, and your knees bent rather than extending your legs straight. This adjustment keeps the core muscles engaged while lowering the intensity of the pose.


          One Leg Boat Pose

          Start with the half-boat pose if you find it challenging to get both legs off of the floor. This variation requires you to hold one leg on the floor and elevate the other leg while sitting on your tailbone. This variation lets you gradually increase stability before progressing to the full posture.


          Dynamic Boat Pose

          Dynamic Boat Pose

          For a more intense experience, you can add some movement into the boat posture. From the posture in its full form, you can lower the legs toward the ground and then lift them without making contact with the ground.


          Precautions and Tips for Boat Pose
          A beautiful women performing boat pose with a rope

          Although the boat position has many advantages, it’s crucial to practice it carefully and adhere to these safety guidelines:

            Avoid Straining the Neck: Look forward and bury your chin toward your chest to prevent straining your neck. By keeping the neck aligned, needless strain is avoided.

            Engage the Core: Concentrate on strengthening the core muscles during the exercise. This will keep the lower back safe and ensure balance.

            Deep Breathing: While maintaining the boat pose, be sure to breathe evenly and deeply. Staying present in the position is made possible by deep breathing. Breathing deeply boosts relaxation and helps to stay fully present.

            Adjust as Necessary: Modify or take a break if you feel tension or discomfort. Pay attention to your body’s signals and acknowledge its limitations.

            You can reap the advantages of the boat posture without any risk if you practice it mindfully according to these guidelines.

            Meghna Banerjee