Yoga Is A Light, Which Once Lit Will Never Dim. The Better Your Practice, The Brighter Your Flame.


Mindfulness practice
Yoga practice to attain mindfulness
Breath work
Peaceful evnviornment with stones
Mindfulness and meditation practice


Enhance your awareness and attention to the highest level. Learn to build productivity and break the shackles of distraction. Earn certificate upon completion

Duration: 15 Days

No of sessions: 10

Online Workshop: $299.00 USD

In-Person Workshop: $399.00 USD

About Practitioner

Aparna Deshpande

 MSc in Clinical Psychology

 500-RYT in Hatha, Ashtanga & Kundalini Yoga

 Specialized in Mental and Behavioral Health Care for Individuals

 Certified Advanced Level Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness Trainer

Conducted over 500 sessions to date. 6+ years of experience in the field of mental health, lifestyle coaching, and holistic healing.  or randomized words that don't look even slightly believable.

What to expect

Integrate mindfulness in daily life

Build emotional intelligence

Enhanced awareness and attention

Deep understanding of mind-body connection


Module 1: Introduction to Mindfulness
Module 2: Body Scan Meditation
Module 3: Breath Awareness
Module 4: Mindful Eating
Module 5: Cultivating Gratitude and Compassion
Module 6: Loving-Kindness Meditation
Module 7: Working with Thoughts and Emotions
Module 8: Mindfulness in Everyday Life
Module 9: Mindfulness in Communication
Module 10: Mindful Movement
Module 11: Cultivating Resilience
Module 12: Mindfulness and Stress Reduction
Module 13: Mindfulness in Relationships
Module 14: Mindfulness and Sleep
Module 15: Review and Integration
Module 16: Sustaining Mindfulness Practices

Additional Resources

To enhance practical exercises and experiential learning get access to-

  •  4 pre recorded Pranayama session


Barry Allen @Barry Allen
Learning mindfulness techniques has helped me to navigate stressful situations with greater ease and respond to challenges with a...
Noah Wood @Noah Wood
I learned how to be present in the moment, let go of negative thoughts, and be more kind....
Oliver Queen @Oliver Queen
I had heard about mindfulness before and always wanted to try it. Hence joined this workshop. The expert guided us through various...