Kundalini yoga aims to activate all seven chakras and awaken the conscious and divine energy within, which flows via the inner channels known as nadis (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna). The word “chakra” means “wheel” in Sanskrit. Each kundalini chakra, channels energy from the universe into the body’s energetic system.
The chakras are typically seen as colored wheels of light or local auras. The influence of each chakra on our lives varies according to its state of balance. Some of the finest practices that might assist one in achieving this balance include yoga and meditation.
Table of Contents
TogglePoses to Balance The 7 Chakras
kundalini chakras when balanced lead to spiritual awakening and consciousness of the divine. Kundalini asanas promote blood circulation and increase the flow of prana. It leads to a balance of the kundalini energy and chakras.
It is recommended that Kundalini yoga must be practiced under the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Join the 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course to learn how to balance the 7 chakras.
Mooladhara / Root Chakra
Signification – Safety, security grounding
Location– Base of the spine
Chair Pose
- Stand on the mat with the spine lengthened in Tadasana.
- Take a deep breath, and lift your arms above the head so that they are parallel to one another.
- Exhale and bend your knees. Avoid leaning forward.
- Lower your body to assume a half-squat position.
- Maintain a parallel between your thighs.
- Hold the pose and maintain balance for 10 breaths.
- The chair pose is a basic stretch of yoga for knee arthritis, which helps to soothe the knee pain and strengthen the muscles.
Garland Pose
- Sit as low as possible by bending your knees and placing the heel flat on the floor, slightly out from the hips.
- In a wide squat posture, get your buttocks as near to the floor as possible.
- Bend both elbows to bring both hands together in front at chest height. With elbows, gently press the knees apart.
- Maintain the shoulders back, stretching your spine.
- Hold the posture for 30 seconds.
Bridge Pose
- Lie on the back. Bend your knees.
- Spread your legs with your feet flat on the ground.
- Stretch your arms out to each side of your body to touch the back of the heels
- Gently raise your hips up
- Tuck your chin in slightly toward your chest, which helps lengthen the back of your neck.
- Put your hands under the back and interlace the fingers.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
Swadhisthana / Sacral Chakra
Significance – Sensuality, creativity, emotions
Location- Lower Abdomen, just below the navel
Bound Angle Pose
- Come to a seated position. Pull your feet’ soles together, letting your knees fall to the sides.
- Hold onto the outsides of the feet. Bend slightly forward from the hips and lengthen the spine.
- Now, flap the thighs like the wings of the butterfly. Perform the butterfly pose for 30 seconds.
Forward Fold
- Sit with the legs extended in front.
- Contract the belly inward and gently press your sitting bones into the floor.
- Inhale and extend your back.
- Exhale and bend forward from the hips.
- Maintain a straight back and avoid overstretching.
- Hold your big toes if your hands reach your feet as you glide across.
- Keep your elbows bent, extending them outward, and keep your shoulders away from your ears.
- To extend the position further, raise your head slightly and lengthen across the front of your chest with each inhale.
- Try to fold farther into the posture with each exhale.
- Release the feet gradually, and take a breath to exit the pose.
- Hold the pose for 30 seconds.
Triangle Pose
- Stand on the mat in Tadasana. Bring the right foot forward at 90 degrees and place the left foot at a 45-degree angle.
- Inhale, extend the arms to the side in a T-shape
- Breathe out to bend your body to the right from the hips
- Try to place the palms of the right hand on the mat or grab the ankle
- Extend the left hand upwards toward the ceiling and look up.
- Open up the chest and straighten the shoulder
- Hold the pose for 30 seconds.
- Repeat the same with the other side.
Also Read: Chakra Symbols
Manipura / Solar Plexus Chakra
Significance – Self-esteem, strength, willpower
Location – Below the ribcage
Downward dog
- Come on all fours, place your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
- Raise your hips and straighten the legs, tuck your toes beneath, and push back through the hands.
- Spread the fingers on the mat for support.
- Move your shoulder blades from the ears toward your hips.
- Sink your heels toward the floor, rotate the thighs inward, and maintain a high tail.
- The space between the hands and feet should be the same.
Boat pose
- Take a comfortable cross-legged seat in Sukhasana or Padmasana
- While keeping the legs crossed, gently bend back and rest utterly flat on the back.
- Raise the upper back. Use the elbows and palms for support, and extend the neck backward so that only the head is touching the floor.
- Maintain elbows on the floor, take hold of the left foot with the right hand and then the right foot with the left hand.
Knee to chest
- Lie down on the back.
- Bend both knees and draw them towards the chest. Hug the knees with both arms.
- Hold for a few breaths and release.
Anahata / Heart Chakra
Significance – Love, kindness, compassion
Location – Centre of the chest
Half Lord of the Fishes
- Take a seat with the legs out in front of you
- Place the left foot on the outside of your right thigh and bend the left knee.
- Grasp your left knee with your right hand and turn your body slightly to the left,
- glancing over your left shoulder.
- Hold for a few breaths, then switch to the other side.
Camel Pose
- Kneel and sit upright
- Place both hands on the hips and slowly open up the chest for a slight backbend
- Gently bring the hands down to touch your heels or yoga blocks
- Let the shoulder blades engage
- Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths.
- Bring the hands to the hips again and support the lower back to release and bring the body upright.
Cobra Pose
- Lie face down on the mat. Place legs at a hip-width distance.
- Place your palms down, just below the shoulder blades. Bend the elbows.
- Raise the upper body by pulling your chest away from the floor as you breathe in.
- Maintain comfortable inhalation and exhalation and hold for 10 breaths.
Vishuddha / Throat Chakra
Significance – Communication, authenticity, expression
Location – At the throat
Plough Pose
- Lie down on the back
- Bring the knees to the chest and raise the legs upright
- Support the hips with your hand to lift it off the floor
- Inhale to engage the core
- Lower down the legs above the head to touch the toes to the ground
- Press the hands together with palms down while keeping your arms straight
- Hold the pose for 10 breaths.
Fish Pose
- Take a comfortable cross-legged seat in Sukhasana or Padmasana
- While keeping the legs crossed, gently bend back and rest utterly flat on the back.
- Raise the upper back. Use the elbows and palms for support, and extend the neck backward so that only the head is touching the floor.
- Maintain elbows on the floor, take hold of the left foot with the right hand and then the right foot with the left hand.
- Hold for 15-30 seconds.
- Release the posture by first letting go of the toes. Maintain the palms on the floor to support the head as you straighten it.
Cat and Cow stretch
- Starting on all fours, place your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips to perform the cat-cow stretch.
- Breathe in as you drop your belly, arch your back, and raise your head (Cow Pose).
- Breathe while bending your back and bringing your chin to your chest (Cat Pose).
Ajna / Third Eye Chakra
Significance – Intuition, imagination, wisdom
Location – Center of the eyebrows
Cow Face Pose
- Sit in the Dandasan pose and extend the legs in front.
- Move your right heel over to the left hip’s side and align the left heel with your right hip.
- Elongate the spine
- Inhale, raises the arm. Exhale, bend the left elbow to rest the hand on the back.
- Lift the right arm, bend the elbow so that it faces the ground, and clasp the fingers together.
- Avoid letting the head lean forward. Maintain an upright spine.
- Hold for 8-10 breaths. And gently release the hands.
- Repeat with the other side.
Child Pose
- Place your knees slightly apart on the ground.
- Exhale and bend forward. Slightly tuck your chin.
- Extend the arms on the ground in front of you or extend them back toward the feet, palms up.
- Let the weight of the shoulders stretch the shoulder blades widely across the back.
- Breathe in gently and deeply for 30 seconds.
Thunderbolt Pose
- Place your knees together on the ground.
- As you gently sit onto your heels, ensure your weight is spread equally on the foot and heels.
- Lengthen your spine and let your shoulders come down.
- Place your hands on your thighs and relax them.
- Take calm, deep breaths in and out.
- Raise your head and gaze straight.
Sahasrara / Crown Chakra
Significance – Consciousness, spirituality, oneness
Location – Above the head
- Sit on the mat with the spine elongated
- Bend your knee and place the left foot on the right thigh
- Now take the other foot to place it on the left thigh
- Place your hands on top of the knees in a mudra
- Take deep breaths to hold the pose.
Rabbit Pose
- Kneel on the mat.
- Start with the knees hip-distance apart. Place the tips of the feet down.
- Inhale and extend your hand back to cup your heels or to clasp the ankles.
- Exhale and bend forward to rest the top of the head on the floor.
- Lower the chin near the middle of the collarbones.
- Maintain an average pace of breath for 30 seconds in this position.
- To release the pose, bring the head up and come to sit in the kneeling posture in Vajrasana
by lowering the buttocks back toward the heels.
- Lie on the mat comfortably
- Place the legs apart from each other in a relaxed position
- Place the arms apart from the body
- Keep your eyes closed and take deep breaths
- Hold the pose for 10 minutes
- Roll to the side to sit up.
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- Sadhana Pada – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Chapter 2 - April 20, 2024
- Samadhi Pada: The First Chapter Of Patanjali Yoga Sutras - April 18, 2024